For any problems with payments or uploads please contact our card provider Hawk Incentives Limited directly, by calling 0330 123 3465. Their customer care line is open from 7 am - 7 pm, 7 days a week
Articles in this section
- I am trying to place an order and I am receiving a “card type not supported” error when entering my card number. Why is this?
- My funds upload is failing, what can I do?
- I am have a problem with my card payments
- What happens if a store card is lost or stolen?
- How can I check how much I have raised for my charity by using instore cards?
- What if I want to return a Instore card or e-voucher for a refund?
- How do I add money to the Instore card? And how much can I upload per transaction?
- Can I withdraw money from a Instore card once I have made a upload?